If you're undergear and for some reasons you dont wish to do the quests for Ash Forest (knowledge : White Warrior and Fadus and Ash Forest), you can opt for doing this knowledge instead.
This knowledge can be found from the fairy, Lonamin, for 48 amity. However, it doesn't appear to be working on NA as of this writing. https://i.imgur.com/YCCjbdx.jpg - location of Lonamin https://i.imgur.com/OhbYdb9.png - No option to acquire knowledge.
Anonymous 17-11-2017 12:57
There is a quest chain that leads to this NPC. Maybe try that.
Anonymous 17-11-2017 14:25
Guildie pointed that out to me today so I'll be running through it tomorrow and will edit my comment above if it does the trick. Thanks!
FYI for anyone else interested - the questline starts with "Visitor from Florin" and the quest itself likely lending the knowledge/prereq needed is "Yianaros the Spirit".
Anonymous 19-11-2017 14:05
You don't have to finish the quest line. The quest required to make the knowledge appear for 48 energy is "Towards the place with mysterious presence": http://bdocodex.com/cn/quest/6003/13/
If the quest doesn't appear you prolly forgot one .To start the prerequisite meet "Visitor From Florin Izella" npc with visitor from florin quest. https://ibb.co/smkrMbd you can find her at Lemoria guard post.Then quest will path you to Surichi (one of prerequisite for the knowledge)"Become a Lemoria Quartermaster"