the hard part is getting the fragments for the key, gotta keep killing the various ruins
when you are killing the defender of the ancient holy ground, the slate number you get seems to be based on how quickly you kill it. I waited for about 20 sec before i started killing the mob and got the third piece, use less time for the other 2, maybe some one can get better time estimates.
[youtube] [/youtube] Türk dostlarım videosunu çektim izleyerek yapabilirsiniz. If you did not understand how to get this knowledge, you should watch this video.
I spent a few hours on this one on my 56 DK, got about 12x 1/3.. then switched to my level 17 he killed them a bit slower but the drop shot up quite a bit.... I'm not gonna claim this is the best route but it worked for me so I thought I'd show it incase it helps someone else, I tried to circle in red roughly where the mobs are.
(do a 180 after reaching the guards)
rinse repeat.
You don't need this knowledge to get 6/6 energy. You need everything else, though.
Anonymous 20-04-2017 01:13
Валить только деревья, не отвлекатся на остальных мобов и за пол часика - час можно сделать ключей 6, из них 3 предмета не проблема достать. Я сделал ошибку, не уточнил и валил всех мобов сначала
1. Öncelikle bölgedeki yaratıkları keserek kadim mimari parça düşür. 2 parça 1 anahtar yapıyor. (En az 10-12 tane parça biriktirin.)
2. 2 parçadan yapılan anahtar ile yaratık çağırıyorsun. O yaraktıktan taş parçaları düşüyor. Birinci taş parçası, ikinci taş parçası, üçüncü taş parçası.
3. Her çağırdığımız yaratıktan en fazla bir tane taş parçası düşüyor(bazen hiç düşmez, bazen de elindekinin aynısı, şansına kalmış). Her taş parçasından bir tane lazım. Üçünü birleştirince seni sandığa yönlendiriyor. Daha sonra sandıktan bilgiyi alıyorsun.
Привел персонажа (35 уровень) на место. Использовал buff на получение трофеев: свиток удачи и buff палатки. Убивал только неподвижных монстров в течении часа. Выбил 113 ключей. Получил 12 плит. PS. опасайтесь повышения уровня, как только уровень повысится 47+ выпадение трофеев значительно снизится.
I can confirm that if you farm with a low lvl char the fragments drops really easy(in 1h i got 10+ keys)without even use any drop loot scroll. The char is better to be between lvl 10-30 max, i tried to push mine to lvl 32 and its slower to get the fragments but still possible and faster than a char lvl 60+.
About the 1-2-3 fragments, they aren't rng, the number depend in base of how fast you killed the defender of the ruins, the damage don't matter. I have killed it in 1 shot and got frag 1, waited like 10 sec and got frag 2 and waited 15 sec for frag 3.
This is not correct. I farmed with a 61 on two different accounts, gear on and gear off. the drop rate for the 1-2-3 was almost identical. My results were 6x2, 6x1, and finally 1x3. the 1x3 was a one shot. My next attempt was 6x2, 5x1, and 1x3.
The best method by far was to use 'H' tracker, and just kill blue dots That showed on the mini map. All trees, Cylinders, Triangles and so on. Very easy but takes a while.
i got like a million and one 1st and 2nd key frags on my main... then switched to a different lvl 58 char and got it on 1st try while doing the quest as it hasnt been done with that char before