To make this quest you need to create an alt account and level up until the Crossroad missions in Serendia and you need to choose the first choice and go from there up until this mission.
In order to get this knowledge you have to play the full main questline, you cannot get it using the simplified questline that is available for a season char. When you get to the Heidel crossroad you have to select the LEFT option, which is called "The Lamenting Head of the League of Merchants" ( ).
You then continue to play through the questline all the way until you get to the category "[I] Apparent Ambition". The fifth quest of that category is called "Delivery of the Operation Orders" ( ). You can then interact with the Operation Orders on the table. This gives you the knowledge for "Delphe Knights Operation Orders" ( ). You then run over to Margaret and chat with her. This gives you the knowledge for "Order Delivered to Margaret".