Definitly work with 8 lion blood as stated in this comment, me and my friend was able to synthesise 30 of this for a quest.
Anonymous 22-12-2016 11:36
I did not succeed with lion blood
Anonymous 25-12-2016 02:35
I succeeded 4 times with lions blood, then failed... I attempted with 5 Lions blood, succeeded 4 times again and could not succeed after the initial 4 times
Anonymous 25-12-2016 12:11
I did with 4 and 5 at the beginning I got hit plus the other was failed
Anonymous 13-07-2017 01:13
100% Success
4 Troll Blood
4 Dwarf Mushroom
1 Ash Sap
3 Purified Water
Anonymous 27-06-2016 23:26
Pro 2 Alchemy: 100% success -- Substitute Dwarf Mushrooms for 1 Big Dwarf Mushroom
Anonymous 31-12-2016 16:58
I try it, and is not 100% (im Pro7)
Anonymous 26-06-2017 17:11
It doesn't have an 100% success rate. The success rate with these materials is more like around 85% (Master10)