We've checked this one. It's working with 4 Dried Fish and with 2 Fresh Fish. Added a separate recipe with Dried Fish.
Anonymous 22-03-2016 02:05
Well, every Fish should be substitutable with 2 dried ones, so maybe it makes more sense to add that in the substitute menu instead of making a different reciepe.
That substitution could be quite confusing to implement. With ingredient groups and blue->green->white substitutions there could a lot of sub menus to show. I can't imagine the best way to show them all in a compact way yet.
A separate recipe for dried fish looks like the simplest way to me so far.
Anonymous 2-04-2016 18:13
Smaller Icons
Anonymous 30-04-2016 16:44
2 "white" fresh fish can be replaced by 1 "green" fresh fish
Anonymous 11-05-2016 14:47
Die Angaben zu dem Rezept sind leider falsch
1X Trockenfisch (Reicht)
1X Trockenfisch (Reicht)
4X Fleisch
4X Vogelfleisch
2X Haferbrei
PS: Das Kochen kann fehlschlagen aber die Produktionskosten sind niedriger und der Gewinn Größer
Anonymous 29-09-2016 10:51
One green or blue fish works fine. I would assume 2 white fih or 4 dried fish also would work. I am a skilled 3 cook.
Anonymous 7-05-2017 23:44
At Master 6 i got 75 % when give 1 dried fish + 1 dried fish but its not worth.