I've been using this amity order and found it quite successful: Belgar, Nelople, Mariam, Lashir, Mevo, Nerudo
Sometimes i'll switch it up and use this order instead: Mariam, Avet, Kuldu, Nelople, Humple, Mevo
Anonymous 31-05-2016 06:27
This one worked the best.
Anonymous 17-05-2016 07:27
Anonymous 29-10-2017 15:09
At least as of today this rotation is bad.
Rotation starts with Mariam who has 17 Interest which is 55% spark rate (at lowest NPC Interest Level). It has a high chance to get sad face. Since it has high Favor, I would offer to put it after high interest knowledge so that success rate would increase.
Anonymous 14-07-2016 23:55
I use this all the time, returns the most consistent Amity returns of 210-270.
I am 100% sure that they did something to this npc in latest patch 2017-02-15.
I used to have 90% success rate. I did over 200 atempts today, and I failed more than 50%, and I also recieved the "Fail sparks" almost 70% of all the atempts, Mostly 3-5 fail spark.
I also noticed the knowledge "Lashir" did not send out those "Next combo" ball animation to several slots, he now only sends it to one it seems :S