All combos above are aids, You need extreme luck on Magorian Sharks. I wasted 400 energy (of 475), ended up with like 200 amity with those rotations above.
Better to greet this if you got some extra alts tbh. Or try your luck, this is a RNG amity game. Either ur lucky, or you are not.
Anonymous 28-10-2020 19:35
Guess I got lucky, it took me 10 minutes
Anonymous 14-08-2017 00:48
Clicking order
1-Margorian Sharks
2-Mystery Chest in an Underwater Cave
3-Strange Disease of the Sea
4-Debris from Fintomaria
5-Reluctantly Helping Katio III
1 - Detritos de Fintomaria
2 - Detritos do pôr do sol dourado
3 - Baú misterioso da caverna submersa
4 - Tubarão de Margoria
5 - Estranha doença do mar
I did not have a lot of options since I have not completed the Margoria Adventure Journal I at all (only 8/17), so after testing several variants I came to the conclusion that the following order worked the best for me:
1. An Engraved Tombstone Sailing Log
2. Mystery Chest in an Underwater Cave
3. Debris from the Golden Sunset
4. Debris from Fintomaria
5. Strange Disease of the Sea
THe exact opposite works better. The first one you put in is the last one triggered. Selection order should be
Reluctantly Helping Kaito II
Reluctantly helping kaito I
Mystery Chest in an underwater cave
Debris from Fintomaria
Magoria Sharks
Anonymous 25-02-2017 23:33
Anonymous 3-04-2017 10:46
you know each player have different values on cards? what is good for one could not be good for another
Anonymous 3-04-2017 11:11
No Offense taken. Every Comment helps the community
Anonymous 4-04-2017 02:55
mine good order to win was:
porodonio on fintomaria
lema born the great explorer
debris from fintomaria
strange desease of the sea
mistery chest in underwater cave
is not possible to do same order as you see a card that for you is 100% for me is 5%,i had only 2 cards that you use too (and probably are positive for everyone that 2 cards but not all the cards)
Anonymous 20-04-2017 15:48
Would you please mind developing this statement?
Cause, from my understanding and experience, the only "different" stat between players can only be interest level and favor of the npc for the current round. Those are randomized each game. But the "cards" are all the same for all players.
Anonymous 16-04-2017 00:42
1-Debris from Fintomaria
2-Debris from the Yellow Box
3-Debris from the Golden Sunset
4-Mystery Chest in an Underwater Cave
5-Margorian Sharks