These can no be obtained by combining Unknown Seed with Truffle Mushroom.
Unknown Seed can be obtained with very low chance byproduct in Alchemy.
In EU Truffle Mushroom Hypha cost 18.7mil silver in Market Place.
Farming one in player fence will give in average of 61 Truffle Mushrooms (I harvested 10 Hyphas to get numbers).
Truffle Mushroom market value is 187k/pc, so Hypha cost about 100 mushrooms.
Manual gathering will be much easier and faster than wasting 10 grid farm fences for this farming, specially when Hypha cannot be breed.
Anonymous 14-06-2016 12:37
The market doesn't have it so no you have to gather it with a hoe. The Truffle Mushroom i mean
This item has never been added to NA/EU servers
I am not even sure if it exists in KR servers. This might be one of the items that has been just added to game database, but never to players.
Picture that was posted here shows one of the locations where you can find Truffle, but Gathering Truffles wont give you the Hypha.