ID: 5227
[Elvia] Primal Giant Post
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Category: Sun of Elvia Adventure Log II

- Description:
With the advent of Hadum's darkness, now barely any Adventurers dare travel to the already heavily avoided region that is the Primal Giant Post. For the belligerent Giants, who admired shows of strength, began to display peculiar behaviors once affected by Hadum's corruption. Driven by the sole desire to foment greater power no matter the cost, the Hadum-infested Giants were found engaging in practices previously frowned upon by their own, such as fighting their fellow kin or even collecting the souls of the dead.

Whereas the Giants had once held such strong reverence for their dead, their thirst for power now pushed them to even harvest souls, leading to weary souls that wandered about Primal Giant Post to band together to fend off these crazed Giants, leading to the tense atmosphere surrounding this place.
From Lv. 61, accept the [Elvia] questline via the Black Spirit's Suggested quests
Bring loot obtained from Elvia Primal Giant Post to Nucamira in the underground chambers of Keplan.

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