ID: 11607
Royal Cooking Competition
icon Knowledge
Category: Big Bad Auntie's Foreign Cuisine Study

- Description:
A cooking competition between the most renowned cooks in the Land of the Morning Light. The winner is granted the honor of becoming the chef responsible for all the King's meals.

"I, Ahryung, went to the cooking competition held in Seoul!
But... unfortunately, I didn't emerge victorious. In fact, I was 6th... out of 10.
There were so many strong competitors, I'm ashamed to look you in the eye.
However, thanks to you, I was able to open my eyes to a new world."
Can be obtained through Byeot County Questline
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icon - Big Bad Auntie's Repayment
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corex 30-07-2023 06:55
Bu görev serisi hakkında;

Ana görevleri bitir, 3 köydeki 3 aşçıdan 200'er enerji karşılığında bilgileri al. Görev serisi için ana karakterinle gitmene gerek yok. Bir karakteri npc'nin önüne bırak. Görev serisi gün bitiminde yani 12'den sonra sıfırlanır. Görevler belli bir sırayla çıkmaz, rastgele çıkar. EĞER HERŞEYİ YAPMANA RAĞMEN GÖREV YOKSA, H-YAŞAM BECERİSİ-AŞÇILIK ÜZERİNDEN SAHİP OLMADIĞIN AŞÇILIK BİLGİLERİNİ EDİN. Belirli sayıda bilgiye sahipsen görev çıkar.
graceld 3-01-2024 19:59
cheekiyaya 15-01-2024 01:39
Google Translated

Finish the main quests and get information from 3 cooks in 3 villages for 200 energy each. You don't need to go with your main character for the questline. Drop a character in front of the NPC. The quest series is reset at the end of the day, that is, after 12 o'clock. Quests do not appear in a certain order, they occur randomly. IF YOU DO EVERYTHING AND THERE IS NO MISSION, GET THE COOKING KNOWLEDGE YOU DON'T HAVE THROUGH H-LIFE SKILL-COOKING. If you have a certain amount of information, a quest will appear.

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