ID: 10702
Syca's Record #26: Greed and Loneliness
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Category: Syca's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
Orze's head dropped and tears fell from her eyes. She must feel sorry for Vaha. But Orze, I feel sorry for you. Vaha has a revolting side you've never seen. Enjoy your untainted opinion of him while you can.

As soon as I exposed the truth, Vaha unsheathed his sword, his eyes locked on Orze just standing before him.

"I wasn't the one you truly loved. It was the Goddess of Darkness who found a place in your heart. Is that not so?"

Wait... this wasn't how events were supposed to unfold. I couldn't let him kill another Dehkima.

"W-What are you doing! Don't!"

Vaha's sword plunged into Talibre's Door, and now... there is no way out. I simply didn't want to share all of our wicked emotions and thoughts. All I wanted was to lead the weapons and to get out of Atoraxxion.
Atoraxxion: Centilutos

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