ID: 10686
Syca's Record #10: Yolun's Eye
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Category: Syca's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
I carved the Lightstone and used it to brighten the darkness of Sycrakea. But a warning from Master shortly followed. He said we can't know the impact of bringing an unknown object into our biomes. He suggested I take a leaf from Vaha's book and spend my time focusing on building weapons to fend off the Dark Invaders.

Vaha... Vaha... Vaha... It's always Vaha!!
The only thing that could soothe the violent storm raging inside me was Yolu's gift. When I look at the reshaped lightstone, Yolun's Eye, I feel at peace. Master calls this "temptation" but he knows nothing of my feelings.
Atoraxxion: Centilutos

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