ID: 10408
icon Knowledge
Category: Vahmalkea

- Description:
Despite creating Creomar, I was still in need of a weapon with more destructive capabilities. And no, this was no mere whim, but rather a calling that came to me. And so I made my request of Dehkia once more, and, permission granted, keenly made my way back to Gavinya Great Crater.

On that fateful day, I was met by the heaviest of storms. Was this an ominous sign? Despite the heavy rain lashing at my eyes, I peered intently towards the inner regions of the crater in time to see the mightiest of lightning bolts strike the ground! I can tell you this, the shock of it almost sent me hurtling into the crater, but I was just able to steady myself and thus prevent grave injury.

Having knocked at Death's door, (and finding with relief that Death wasn't home!), I found myself inspired to create a weapon born of magma and lightning.

And thus was created a terrible weapon, a weapon that would wield the very power of lightning! Oh, and not to mention a gigantic axe! - Vaha
Atoraxxion: The Ancient Weapon of Vahmalkea

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