ID: 5643
A Guide to the Papu
icon Knowledge
Category: The Great Library of Grána

- Description:
A book about the Papu. Although the Papu are only half as tall as humans, thanks to their sensitive bulbous noses and pointy ears that can hear faraway sounds, they always seems to know what is going on. They tend to end their sentences with sounds that sound like "Pa" and "Pu" so people speculate that this is how their name came to be.
They tend to have a sunny and optimistic disposition and they try to cheer up anyone who seems even a little bit sad. They do not seem like the malicious type. The Ganelle regard the Papu as the most hardworking and dutiful race, and the Papu take joy in the Ganelle's high regard of them.
The Great Library of Grána

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