ID: 2174
icon Knowledge
Category: People of Asparkan Fort

- Description:
A prominent figure who played an active role on the rugged and harsh frontier of wilderness development, contributing to the construction and completion of Asparkan Fort.

Haydar's name is sometimes teased by people due to its similarity to Heidel in Serendia. However, he intimidates others with his imposing stature, robust voice, and audacious personality. He doesn't discriminate based on age, gender, wealth, or status when it comes to standing up to others.

One day, Kabellum, the work supervisor of the fort, was nagging about the way workers were handling their tasks all day long. He had been silently listening to it all, but when Kabellum said, 'Wait a minute, your name sounds a bit like Heidel in Serendia, doesn't it? Hahaha! What a...", he couldn't hold back his anger. After that, Kabellum started to show subtle annoyance towards Haydar.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue]
Obtained from:
- Haydar

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