ID: 4254
Ver de Calpheon
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Chance d'obtention: 2.50%
Catégorie: Bêtes (Calpheon)

– Description :
Les vers de Calpheon se cachent sous terre pour piéger les aventuriers.
On les trouve généralement au nord de Calpheon.
Ver de Calpheon
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- Ver de Calpheon
Obtention sur:
- Ver de Calpheon
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Chippychap 25-03-2021 22:17
Calpheon Worms are inside the Waragon Cave underneath the Northern Wheat Plantation.
You can access the cave via one of the many holes surrounding the village.

Don't forget to bring a Fluid Collector for quick knowledge gathering, as there are only 10 available which are pretty spread out.

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Ajouté par Linavogt (6-05-2020)
Ajouté par Linavogt (6-05-2020)