ID: 6353
Symbol of Tarif
icon Knowledge
Category: Introduction to Quizes

- Description:
Nantusa Letusa is the tree found in the center of Tarif that has witnessed the history of the town from its very beginnings. Throughout the years, the generations of Tarif chiefs have used their power to keep the Book of Cartian sealed within this tree. The Book of Cartian is a spell book written by the Great Sorceress Cartian who founded this town.

The spells in the Book of Cartian are so strong they will destroy the mind and body of any ordinary sorcerer who attempts to learn them. It is said that Cartian's colleague Allan Serbin sacrificed all his power to seal the book and was finally driven to place his essence within the frame of a painting to preserve what was left of his life force.
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Knowledge Battle with Haley #18
Obtained from:
- Symbol of Tarif

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