ID: 2258
Kal Lut
icon Knowledge
Category: People of Southern Ulukita

- Description:
Prince Barhan Nesser, awestruck by the sight of the Velandir Fort perched atop a majestic cliff, set up a small camp and ordered a thorough investigation.

To avoid alarming the villagers of Velandir, he dispatched a scholar accompanied by a minimal escort. The scholar, Kal Lut, is an expert in ancient ruins but is notoriously finicky.

Despite his intense desire for safety compelling him to refuse, he found himself drawn to the camp, bemoaning his predicament. However, thanks to his attire and profession, the people of Velandir welcomed him without suspicion, suggesting that Barhan's strategy has been successful.
Can be obtained through [Dialogue]
Kal Lut
Obtained from:
- Kal Lut

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