ID: 3803/1
Questions on the Reopened Grándiha
KR name: 재개방된 그란디하에 대한 의문
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Place of Memories to be Protected at All Costs

Start NPC:
icon - Jezabelle
End NPC:
icon - Hilda

- Description:
Jezabelle told you to ask people about the reason Grándiha was reopened. First, go talk to Guard Captain Hilda.

I am Jezabelle, Grándiha's High Priestess of Education.
As the High Priestess, I welcome you to Grándiha.
So are you curious why Grándiha has been reopened?
If so, I think you should try talking to the people in Grándiha.
Through conversing with them, you should be able to
work out the reason all on your own.
Talking to Guard Captain Hilda would be a good start.
Go along then, go talk to Captain Hilda.

Captain Hilda is currently Grándiha's Guard Captain,
and she did her military training here when she was younger.

I am Hilda, Guard Captain of Grándiha.
I've guarded Grándiha since it was closed.

Completion Target: Hilda
- Go to Hilda and ask about Grándiha
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Hilda

Amity (10):
- Jezabelle
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 58+
Required to open quests

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