ID: 3052/8
Sage's Advice
KR name: 현자의 조언
icon Quest
Group: Smart Troll
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Novice Adventurer
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Into the Fire
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Master of the Trina Knights

Start NPC:
icon - Andre Vidal
End NPC:
icon - Gorgath

- Description:
Andre Vidal said the recent suppression of the trolls won't as effective as he had anticipated, so he wants to get some advice from his friend, Sage Gorgath, about some suspicious things he has sensed within the fortress. Deliver Vidal's letter to Gorgath.

Player, we were able to turn the battle around, thanks to you.
Unfortunately, these battles don't seem to be ending anytime soon.
The supply continues to be unstable, and the number of trolls continues to increase.
Things that I just can't understand keep happening.
There's a few things that are troubling my mind, but I can't be certain.
Please go see my old friend, Sage Gorgath.
Deliver my letter to him, and don't let anyone know.
The only one I can trust in this fortress is a hero like you. Please, do this for me.

If my suspicions are correct...
Then I truly don't know what I should do.

Oh! It's you, Player.
How is the situation at the Anti-Troll Fortification? Has it calmed down?

Completion Target: Gorgath
- Deliver Vidal's letter to Gorgath
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Operation Chief

- Contribution EXP (10)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Into the Fire
Required to open quests

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