ID: 47454
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
The guard of Secirtash Prison, where those who are out of favor with the Shen Merchant Guild in Ulukita end up.

People who see Baykurt's small stature may laugh at him, but some mercenaries plead with him to work together. This is because Baykurt is an amazing guide. He remembers even the path he has only traveled once perfectly, and can find a way through complex situations with amazing skill. Surprisingly, his ability to speak well is his unexpected charm.

These days, Baykurt is very pleased. This is because he is secretly taking the money from the ruins expedition sent by the Shen Merchant Guild. The ruins expedition demanded that he pay tribute as a member of the Shen Merchant Guild, but Baykurt just sneered. After all, this is his territory. If he uses force, they will back down. He started taking their money with after just asking if they wanted to go to prison, and they will surely report to the Shen Merchant Guild, but Baykurt is not afraid of them at all.

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