Can be gathered in mass at kamasilvia temple, east from Heidel. (not in Kamasilvia, its in the beginning of mediah)
Around the kamasilvia tree is a lot, also overall over the place.
Anonymous 26-02-2017 18:05
its for farming, the haystacks
Anonymous 4-09-2016 17:18
Can be used to replace Wild Grass in alchemy. 5:1 or 1:1 I started at 5:1 while leveling now at 1:1 but didnt find out about 1:1 until i was already skilled 10 alchemy dont know if this is level based or not.
Anonymous 2-01-2017 17:41
I'm Beginner 4 and I can use 1 weed to make Pure Powder Reagent. But in Simple Alchemy you have to use exactly 10 weed to make herbal juice.
Anonymous 1-02-2017 18:50
Since there aren't any guides on the processing parts of the game. I'm assuming the reason i can use weeds in the drying process is because I can dry weeds into hay? How many do I need? 10? What is it for then? Cows? Horses?