I checked the giant spot north-east to port ratt, couldn't find any oyster
Anonymous 28-11-2017 14:56
I thought maybe this comment was a way to keep people from flocking to it. But he or she is right.
Nothing in any area all around there. Like they didn't add any into the BDO NA/EU files.
Unfortunately, our method of finding the gatherables locations is not perfect. Sometimes you can find the object in place, but it's just an object with same model and you can't gather it.
Anonymous 16-06-2017 21:31
I agree that some items that should be gatherable aren't gatherable. But some items have a very long cooldown, like Insectivore Plant, Giant Pearl Oyster, and many others that are found near Giant Pearl Oysters found in deeper waters.
Anonymous 30-07-2017 03:37
Would the non gatherable ones be the same model but closed?
Anonymous 15-06-2017 00:34
i found some oyster put cant gather it D:
sry bad english
Anonymous 12-09-2017 20:16
I think the giant pearl oyster has a much higher chance for hards/sharps, gotten 6 on only 40 giant pearl oysters.