ID: 59663
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1

- Description:
Laderr, the Relief Aid Priest of the Abandoned Monastery, followed Bacho Ladericcio, the former head priest of Elionism, to the monastery. He was a mere lad, begging for alms in the Calpheon Slum, when Father Ladericcio offered to help, and he's been loyal ever since. Even when Ladericcio was dismissed from his post as head priest, Laderr followed him out of Calpheon without hesitation. Bacho Ladericcio might throw a fit if he ever finds out, but Laderr respects the former head priest so much more than Elion. For Laderr, Elion is just a god that Bacho Ladericcio believes in, and without a doubt, Laderr is adamant that Bacho Ladericcio will return as the head priest of Elionsm once again.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Laderr

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