ID: 21935
Apostle of Defilement
Level: 65
HP: 329,008
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 1115
Evasion: 742
Damage Reduction: 373
XP: 35,679,009
Skill XP: 219,532
Karma: 95

- Description:
Apostle of Defilement
- Description:
Blackstar's bloody creation.
The apostles are guardians of the Blackstar whose sole purpose is to stop anyone who tries to extract power from it.

Each Apostle of Defilement is small but ferocious, and uses a long sharp spear to attack its enemies. Also known as the guardian of the Blackstar, the Apostles of Defilement draws blood from itself to inject life into the crystal floating in the center.
- Apostle of Defilement

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