ID: 5032
Kepiting Cangkang Batu Herba Kamasylvia
icon Knowledge
Chance of obtaining: 2.50%
Category: Forest(Kamasylvia) II

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Ini adalah Kepiting Cangkang Batu dengan herba yang tumbuh pada batu di punggungnya. Kamu bisa terluka karena capitnya jika kamu tidak berati-hati saat memetik herba penyembuh.
Kepiting Cangkang Batu Herba Kamasylvia
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- Kepiting Cangkang Batu Herba Kamasylvia
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- Kepiting Cangkang Batu Herba Kamasylvia
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Anonymous 12-09-2017 16:24
В центре луга Наван, за нпц Мильдон. Сидит Взрослый Каменный краб и при нанесении ему дамага он вызывает не достающих нам крабов.lRjLPAT.jpg
Anonymous 29-09-2017 02:29
Middle of Navarn Steppe at NPC Milden. There is also one at Valtara Mountains, north of the actual icon "Valtarra Mountains"

A big stone crab named Kamasylvia Scrub Stoneback Crab. Attack it and smaller adds will spawn, read below!

Hit the big one, and small spawn. Dont kill big one too fast

The big one can spawn small ones 2 times, and he drops 3 at the time, one of each at 70% hp and 30% hp
Kamasylvia Rough Stoneback Crab
Kamasylvia Herb Stoneback Crab
Kamasylvia Small Stoneback Crab

Kill the small ones AND use pickaxe on them BEFORE you kill the big one, or else they might despawn. (You can gain knowledge by gathering on monsters)

Do NOT drop the health of the big one too fast at the beginning, he might not summon extra at all if you do that.
linavogt 18-05-2020 13:17
i dont see any middle of narvarn steppe near npc milden
XIIOIV 24-04-2018 11:22
Pull Big One, knock to 75% kill all the little ones, knock to 30% kill all the little ones.... Run away and reset and repeat.
suemccartin 18-06-2021 03:35
It looks like a giant gray elephant poop with a plant on it, the one on top of valtarra is pretty easy to find, line yourself up with the node marker and keep going north till you see a lump of rocks with bushes on it. on my shai i just took her mainhand off and punched it till the little ones popped, had to kill it about six times to get the knowledge keep your birds out and your looney pots n dreighan meal.
FallenGrove 9-07-2021 16:28
Caution, you will one shot this guy. Make sure to take off your main hand weapon and punch it if you want the additional spawns!
xcrossmiler 16-02-2023 23:59
Advaita 10-04-2023 02:56
Este es el Rocangrejo de arbustos de Kamasilva y no Rocangrejo y hierbas de Kamasilva
jinxburguer 8-03-2023 02:44
tira todas as armas e da um hit bem fraco no grande que ele spawna 2 menorzinhos

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