ID: 47455
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
Feyyaz might not have been an official part of the merchant guild, but his renowned skills certainly put him on their radar. The prospect of mending tools, battered and bruised from mining Black Stones, was an enticing proposition. With a spring in his step, Feyyaz made his way to Muzgar.

Life, for a while, was blissful. His days were filled with the rhythmic clinking of repairing pickaxes. The worse their state, the greater the thrill of restoring them.

But then, things took a sour turn. The Shen Merchant Guild saw another avenue for profit. They started supplying miners with inferior tools, while selling the sturdier ones at a premium. As the number of repairs dwindled, Feyyaz saw through the guild's cunning ploy and was heartbroken. However, as one door closed, another opened with mercenaries flooding in, seeking services for their weapons and armor. Sadly, these were primarily to give an added shine to weapons meant for oppression. Despite his growing discontent, a binding contract kept Feyyaz anchored to Muzgar.

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