ID: 47310
Dokkebi Princess
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
The only daughter of Duoksini, the Dokkebi King. Curiosity gets to her sometimes, and she even breaks the laws of Dokkebi Forest to go watch the humans in the Dalbeol marketplace.
Despite being the youngest Dokkebi in the forest, she has a brave and courageous demeanor, and other Dokkebi remark that she is truly of royal blood.
She has a peculiar taste in food and enjoys Red Bean Sirutteok, but she takes off all the red beans as they don't suit her taste.

In order to help humans who lost their settlement due to her father's rage over losing his kkebibat, she works diligently with the Dokkebi who did not turn into her father's Soldierkkebi.

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