ID: 47104
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 10
Evasion: 10
Horoscope: Elephant
sympathy Interest Level: 37 ~ 59
sympathy Favor: 21 ~ 26

The Golden Age of the Papus (0/5)
Papuraoh Papus (0/5)
Crioniak Otters (0/5)
- Description:
Papuraora Island's Caretaker of the Garden of Birth.

Protects the Papunini fruit, which is known as a heavenly fruit, until it produces its seeds. Onn is a special name bestowed upon the Caretaker of the Garden of Birth, which is a position that requires passing a challenging test. The details of the test are shrouded in mystery.

However, the moment one becomes the Caretaker of the Garden of Birth, one obtains a level of influence comparable to Empress Papuraora and also becomes esteemed by all Papus.

Another interesting fact is that the Caretaker of the Garden Birth does not sleep during day or night. They say she only sleeps when the seasons change.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Onn
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