ID: 43401
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 2
Evasion: 1
Damage Reduction: 1
Horoscope: Shield
sympathy Interest Level: 35 ~ 55
sympathy Favor: 34 ~ 38

People of the Forest (0/6)
Residents of Calpheon Northern Plantation (0/6)
People of the Forest (0/6)
- Description:
Her father was a hunter. She was to learn how to hunt from him as a child.

She was taught how to handle weapons specialized in hunting, including the crossbow, matchlock and dagger. Indri says this experience traumatized her. She wanted to stay as far away from hunting as she could and yet somehow she just can't get away from the hunting village of Behr.

She hates hunting, but rumor has she is a better hunter than the legendary Likke Behr.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Indri
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Anonymous 8-08-2016 13:51
Anyone has an amity guide for this guy?
Anonymous 7-01-2017 14:52
The most difficult until now. Patience, 1500 energy, make at most two attempts and enjoy the classical music of Behr.
Anonymous 28-03-2017 09:38
As mentioned by Akarillon below, you're better off spamming f5.
If 1500 energy is the requirement or recommended for capping amity with this NPC, I highly recommend using Greet (F5) instead.

You need 999 amity, 3 amity and energy per greet. (999amity / 3eamity) * 3energy = 999 energy. Far easier in my opinion than attempting a conversation. wacko.gif
Anonymous 13-03-2017 17:19
You'd probably just want to spam F5. Should save you some rage.
Anonymous 26-03-2017 02:59
hard 75% sure


300 friends is ok

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Added by Finck (26-03-2017)
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